There is a saying that one should sleep like a baby. Your sleep undergoes many changes with Age.
As one gets older sleep becomes less, but there are certain factors which doubles the risk of irregular sleep which includes irregular eating hours, stress, sleep/insomnia, apnea and fatigue. Most of these become unavoidable for everyone.
Amongst these, stress is the most potent in affecting your sleeping pattern. One may not realise but in long run it affects your health adversely and it is vital to know about side affects of not sleeping well.
Your sleep is termed as Irregular when one does not sleep and wake on time. It is dangerous when it becomes chronic in nature as it affects everything from one’s overall health to vital organs.
1. Lowers Immunity Levels
It is essential to live healthy in today’s world. When your Immunity level is low it makes you more prone towards common cold and infections.
One may not realise but irregular and incomplete sleep cycle weakens Immune system, this happens if you sleep irregularly constantly.
2. Promotes Obesity
There is a common connection between sleep and weight management. When you sleep for lesser than 7 hours regularly, it tends to make you more obesed.
Hence it makes sense for you to sleep for 6-8 hours if you want to remain always fit.
3. Lowers Overall Well-being
It is vital to have a good well being to stay fit and healthy. It is common for one to feel moody and irritated after not getting irregular sleep.
People who sleep for less than 6 hours are more prone towards chronic depression and anxiety.
4. Affects Your Heart
Heart is the most vital organ in your body. It helps in boosting the blood supply in body.
Heart gets affected by irregular sleeping hours. When you sleep less it puts strain on your heart, this enhances the risk of inflammation to your heart.
5. Promotes Diabetes
Diabetes has emerged as the silent killer, you may not know but sleeping for less than 5 hours escalates diabetes. This makes it hard for your body to efficiently process glucose, this in turn enhances the overall risk of Diabetes.
It is a common knowledge that 6-8 hours sleep is as crucial as air itself. Now it becomes more essential than ever. If you want to live a healthy and long-life Good sleep becomes inevitable.