On Monday evening, a group of hackers has attempted to hack Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, prompting the company to drop its server, which is why they stopped working at the same time for over 6 hours, as they were all under the same company infrastructure.
Not a mechanical problem, it was a vicious attack by hackers, and this is the worst attack the company has faced since its inception, the second time the company has faced an attack in 2021.
Since Facebook and WhatsApp Instagram shut down for six hours, the company has incurred a net loss of about $7 billion, equivalent to N3 trillion, according to Bloomberg.
People are very upset after Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram stopped working. This is what happened to Facebook is an insult to the people who have turned Facebook into a means of making money in any good or bad way, everything that is produced in the world is uncertain, one day it will disappear.