- These are indices of health, or signposts in determining client’s condition.
- This is also known as cardinal signs and it includes body temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure.
- These signs have to be looked at in total, to monitor the functions of the body.
Vital Signs or Cardinal Signs are:
1. Body temperature
2. Pulse
3. Respiration
4. Blood pressure
1. Body Temperature:
_Normal Temperature Ranges:_
• Oral 36.5 –37.5 ºC
• Axillary 35.8 – 37.0 ºC
• Rectal 37.0 – 38.1 ºC
• Tympanic 36.8 – 37.9ºC.
- Abnormal temperature degree:
- Pyrexia: When the body temperature above normal range ( hyperthermia).
- Hyperpyrexia:_ Very high fever, 41ºC (105.8 F) and above.
- Hypothermia:_ Subnormal temperature.
2. Pulse Rate:
- Normal pulse rate:
• 1 year 80-140 beats/min
• 2 years 80- 130 beats/min
• 6 years 75- 120 beats/min
• 10 years 60-90 beats/min
• Adult 60-100 beats/min
- Abnormality pulse rate:
• Tachycardia: Pulse rate of above 100 beats/min.
• Bradycardia: Pulse rate below 60 beats/min.
• Irregular: Uneven time interval between beats.
3. Respiration:
Is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the body
- Normal respiratory rate:
• Adult: 14-20/ min
• Child:
Abnormal respiratory rate:
The best time to assess respiration is immediately after taking client’s pulse.
Count respiration for 60 second. As you count the respiration, assess and record breath sound as _stridor, wheezing, or stertor.
4. Blood Pressure:
This is the force exerted by the blood against a vessel wall. Arterial blood pressure is a measure of the pressure exerted by the blood as it flows through the arties.
There are two blood pressure measures:
• Systolic pressure: This is the pressure of the blood because of contraction of the ventricles, which is the height of the blood wave.
• Diastolic pressure: This is the pressure when the ventricles are at rest. It is the lower pressure present at all times within the arteries.